Prayer of Success for all Students Writing Exams.

Bible Verses to Confess Before Prayer

Proverbs 2 v 6
“For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.”
Isaiah 33 v 6
“And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure.”

Prayer Points to Confess Daily

1. Father, I want to express my gratitude for how far you have gone to assist me in my academic endeavours.
2. Father, in Jesus’ name, I receive a new baptism for academic achievement.
3. Father, in Jesus’ name, I receive power from the Holy Spirit to move ahead and higher in my studies.
4. In Jesus’ name, Father, baptise me for brilliant creativity and originality via the anointing of fire.
5. Father, every arrow of failure that is aimed at me, I demand you to retaliate with fire in Jesus’ name.
6. Father, drain away by fire the wicked deposits in my head area that are hurting my ability to acquire and remember things in Jesus’ name.
7. Father, I reject and end every bad familial pattern of intellectual retardation that my life is following in Jesus’ name.
8. In Jesus’ name, Father, make me a student with a teachable spirit.
9. Father, any authority that wishes to or is now employing any of my lecturers as an agent of frustration against me, perish by fire in Jesus’ name.
10. Father, any decision that is designed to divert me from God’s plan for me as a student, I reject and cancel in Jesus’ name.

11. Father, please grant me the insight to comprehend the reason and purpose of my life and study, so that my knowledge, understanding, and talents might assist to make the world a better place for your greater glory.
12.  Father,d Direct the start of my job, direct its progress, and see it through to completion.
13. Father, in Jesus’ name, I plead for a keen comprehension, a retentive memory, and the capacity to grasp things accurately and profoundly.
14.Father, by your assistance and kindness, O Lord, I will not join forces with those who commit exam malpractice, in Jesus’ name.
15.Father, every agent of evil in my school who has been instructed to utilise my intellect to thrive, causing me to struggle to even earn a pass mark, receive fire in Jesus name.
16. Father, I am a candidate for greatness; any attempt by my opponents to reduce me to the status of an ordinary student is rejected in Jesus’ name.
17. In Jesus’ name, my heavenly Father, grant me the grace and strength to complete my academic training and tutelage in righteousness and the fear of God.
18. Father, in Jesus’ name, remove any diabolical plan to enslave me through the information I gain as a student.
19. In Jesus’ name, Father, I reject corporate failure.
20. Father, perfect what concerns me, since your mercies endure forever; Lord shall not abandon me, because I am the work of his hands, in Jesus’ name.

1 Comment

  1. Octavia S Green


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