Everyone’s testimony is powerful because it is a story about moving from death to life. Giving your personal testimony is a way to share the gospel with others by explaining your personal salvation experience. It gives other an example of how God changes lives.

Breakthrough Prayer Testimony
I want to share this as a testimony, I was praying this prayer on and off for last 1 month for my family's immigration document approval, I can't wait to say that, my application got approved in an unbelievable way and also surprisingly on the very date which I was asking it to happened, so I would like to say that in my case its nothing but the golden hands of our loving father in heaven only worked..... My lord and my god I will be more faithful and more committed to you coz u are always faithful to this worm..... Thank you pastor u r really a wonderful weapon of Jesus Christ Amen.
Thanks to God and Pastor Rufus for the prayer answered in Jesus Name. I have found my Godly husband we met last Wednesday. He is serious about marry. May this come to pass in Jesus Name. To God be the Glory.
To God be the glory for making Me a testifier on this prayer altar. I am thankful to God for granting my brother his Residency permit in the UK after 13 years of delay and denial. I have also brought this issue to God on this altar and I also listen to Pastor Rufus prayers on immigration settlement on his behalf and out God that never change and never fails happened for his on Monday 9th of August. God is indeed faithful. Thank you Pastor Rufus May the anointing on your head never run dry and may the fire of God on this prayer platform never quench in Jesus mighty name.

Rachael Sede
UK Residence Permit After 13 Years of Waiting. Praise God!
Praise God I had my green card interview today and it was successful because I did the prayer.God bless you mightily
God Bless,
I would like to say thank you for inviting me. After the Prayer of the 15th May 2020.
God has answered my prayers mysteriously. While listening to a Man Of God from Zimbabwe on Facebook as I usually do during this lockdown. I like commenting on Facebook watch . This time it was different, some sister that I do not know from Ghana took my number and gave it to her Single pastor. On the 31st May 2020 the Pastor called me.
It was amazing! immediately after receiving a call from the Pastor in Ghana we clicked and both were peaceful in our communication.
On the 05th June 2020 which is our 05th day after knowing each other, we exchanged promise rings online and made a promise of getting married after coronavirus lockdown. Estimated date is November 2020.
The pastor has never been married before and he is so excited to be involved with me, as a divorcee.
He introduced me to his Mom online and his Mom of 87 years old prayed for me and blessed me.
I truly thank God Almighty I have been waiting for the God fearing since 2012 after my divorce. I believe God Almighty has answered my prayers. Amen.
God Is In Control Indeed!!!
I am here to Testify of God’s goodness. I finally got my permanent residence permit in South Africa after waiting for 6 years. Thank you Pastor for helping me pray even when l doubted. Praise God.
After Pastor Rufus prayer last week Sunday. One of his prayer was about miracle money. On Monday I received $2080 USD. I paid my Tithes from it and than God for such a blessing.
Today I got work permit approved by Gods grace,favor,mercy !!!! Thank you so much Pastor for this prayer.,I watched it and prayed with you almost everyday. 4 times my expedite request denied. Fifth time applied and its approved miraculously. Current processing time is 14 months. I applied in May 2021. After 5 months I got it !!! Praise the Lord! Thank You Jesus!!!Only because of the Gods favor,mercy,grace its approved!!! Glory to God alone
Good morning Pastor Rufus
Pastor you prophesied about me during worship and you said the guy i am with will start talking about marriage. Pastor after our online he came to visit me and was talking about our future children, the country where we will stay. what he had never done before or said. I'm so excited. Thank you LORD
I stumbled on this prayer last night 26/6/2021, I played it last night and 2 times since today 27/6/2021.. I believe God will move in my favor... I pray for release of my acceptance letter so I can move forward... I believe that it is already done in Jesus name.. I should hear something by the end of this week.. I will certainly come back and testify... God is great.
I said I would come back..... Well all praises be to God... I got email today saying I was accepted to the college of my choice, its now on to the next step which is applying for the study permit. God bless u man of God
Good day Pastor, I want to glorify the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for his faithfulness towards my life since i joined your broadcast over 3 months now my life have never been the same again the kind of favour i received beyond my imagination God sent people's in my life paying for my house rent and feeding because I've not been working since January i just want to return all the glory to almighty God for using you as a vessel God bless you and your family more grace in Jesus name. Amen shalom
I got pregnant and started bleeding at week 9, 10 and 11. I normally will dream and wake up in the middle of the night with blood all over. I saw this prayer through the leadings of the Holy Spirit and prayed every morning and evening. By the special Grace of God I've given birth to a beautiful baby boy on 8th February 2021. Thank you Lord
I pray the prayer for perfect peace on the 17th June 2020 at about 3:00pm (GMT) I was in so much frustration in my marriage to the extend I thought that divorce was the only option I had. But after the prayer that day and I continually listen to it that night, I wake up to PERFECT PEACE the next. And to this day I'm still in perfect peace. Thanks be to God!!!
Here to give my testimony! After 2 miscarriages, I got pregnant and prayed this prayer every day from day one till full term. I just had my healthy baby on Feb 9, 2021 and a good pregnancy. Thank you Lord! I thank and bless you pastor for leading us in prayer and remembering women during their pregnancy. I pray that all women who pray this prayer get blessed with their hearts desire. Bless you all richly!
Praise the LORD,
Thank you so much for your continuous PRAYERS and support. My wife received Citizenship last week and I GLORIFY THE LORD for HIS MIRACLES in my family
Thank for the BLOOD OF JESUS
Praise God! Am one month pregnant after two miscarriages. I have faith that through this prayer, am going to carry this baby to term and have a NORMAL DELIVERY. Next year in June(2020) my house is gonna be full of JOY and TESTIMONIES in the name of JESUS CHRIST
Hallelujah! God had recreated my 7-8 weeks’ baby’s heartbeat after heavy blood, doctor scanned no heartbeat and offered me to suck him out, but god resurrected him in 3 days. I scanned again another doctor said she believed baby’s alive! Thank you God Thank you Jesus through your blood you work mighty save! Thank you Holy Spirit and Thank you pastor for your wonderful prayer! I am declaring with you in the name of Jesus I will carry this baby to full term and give birth to a healthy strong baby who will worship and testify for God! I declare in Jesus name that He is in charge, no attack on my body or my baby can ever harm us again and I will be a joyful mom raising my family! Amen
Thank u man of God.I just gave birth to a baby boy. The minute I listened to this prayer and joined my Faith to yours,behold the sack burst out while in Labour my phone kept saying this same prayer and contractions increased as I had this baby shortly after like a Hebrew woman indeed. I bless God for using u to bless me and my baby.
2 weeks ago you declared financial breakthrough for me, I was struggling with my bills and finances not having enough to cover my rent but with what I had I would sow to this Ministry.
Today I looked in my account I had to double check my account because I did not understand how the money had come in, a friend had donated a very generous amount of money into my account and said God had told them to help me. It was nothing short of a miracle!
I would like to thank you for your prayer mail channel. I started praying the prayer against miscarriage 3 days ago, after a dream I had where I saw my father trying to abort my baby, I have had this dream many times and have had 10 miscarriage before and in between my two boys. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I have been having these dreams every month since October. So I was so excited when I finally catched. I haven't told my father that I'm expecting but it seems by his powers his located it. I also have these strange dreams during the day were I see people fornicating and having orgies in strange temple like houses. So every morning and night and any time before I want to go sleep I listen to the prayers. This afternoon while taking a rest, and listening to the prayer I saw in a vision a black skeleton like figure with a tail and a long stick come out my belly and disappear into the air. Then I woke up and pleaded the blood of Jesus over myself and husband and children and told it to never return in the name of Jesus. It was then I felt lighter and réaliséd that all the pain and discomfort were completely gone. To God be the Glory, Thank you Jesus Christ for healing me and thank you Holy Spirit for leading me to these prayers. Thank you pastor for these prayers may the Lord continue to increase you Amen Regards Nkhensani
I want to thank God for the healing in my throat this morning 15/08/2020 during prayers. Also on 07/07/2020 God miraculously delivered me from people at work who had set a trap for me but it back fired and my boss has received so many complaints about me but he said to me they are wasting his time in replying and he will ask me to start replying to their letters of complaint. Praise the Lord!!!!
I got pregnant earlier this year and by week 4 I started bleeding constantly, due to several complications with the pregnancy. Doctor told me I would lose my baby, and for me to get a D&C, and avoid getting pregnant again. While researching my issues, I found this prayer and prayed it every morning and night without fail, and by the Grace of God, I found a high risk Doctor that diagnosed my issue and help me get through all the complications I faced during this pregnancy and on Monday, October 11, I delivered my beautiful, healthy baby girl! Praise God! Never give up hope, miracles do happen if you just have faith.
I am thankful to God due to last month, had to go to ER, they had to reset my heart. I was cleared for short procedure. Covid test returned negative. Short procedure successful. Cancer test returned BENIGN. All glory to God for making me a living testimony.
Thanks for your prayers.
Minister Nadine Newell
I discovered this prayer when I was 10 weeks pregnant …I used to pray every day this prayer & confess the scriptures. I now have my Beautiful baby girl ..she's 8 months now. I thank God for leading me to this prayer ...thank you man of God ..God bless you !
Hello Pastor Rufus,
This is Lorie Chinn in the USA and I have another testimony. I hope you saw my last testimony about my new car after believing God for 5 years. NOW, the Lord has unexpectedly blessed me. During the Breakthrough Prayer last Friday, the Lord had me to raise and alter of $16.10 with those numbers like you said. I found out this morning that the Lord blessed me on Tuesday (7/14/20) in my bank account with $1,000 (omg...) Glory to God....
I had a miscarriage and was totally devastated. I then became pregnant again and was worrying about miscarrying. I was bleeding and my worry turned into fear . I came across this beautiful prayer which changed my fear into faith .. on the 3rd day the bleeding stopped. I now have a healthy baby .. praises to my father in heaven . Praises to my Jesus , praises to my helper Holy Spirit
I thank God for providing me with a brand new beautiful house, fully fitted with appliances and the miraculous money to sustain and furnish it. And all of this without having a salary at this moment. The house was due to be completed and due to unforeseen circumstances I ran out of savings. At the last minute, I received a letter from the government saying they owed me money and I should come and claim it. I am in awe of His faithfulness, His goodness and favour. He is indeed Almighty and his ways beyond our thinking and imagination. I have been attending the live prayers since April/May 2020.
Start of 2020 ,God has given me a miracle which we waited for so long . But when the doctors said that they couldn’t see an embryo I turned to Jesus to save the miracle He blessed us in the first place. I turned to this prayer and this gave me an immense hope that I will write my testimony in 10 months . And it happened this September 2020 . I am forever grateful and thankful for what Jesus has blessed our family with. This kind of miracle reminds me that god hears our prayers and answers when it seems fit. He knows exactly what to give and when it give . Amen.
Hello Pastor Rufus,
I have been watching you and listening to your prayers on youtube. I am a Jamaican, living in the Cayman Islands. I have made prayer request for a job in the government school.
I thank God for answering my prayers I got a job. I also thank you for your prayers over the past months. However, I did not get the permanent one I applied for but I got a temporary position.
Please pray that it will turn into permanent.
Thank you and may the Lord continue to bless your family and ministry.
I am here to give my testimony... After having a couple of miscarriages I began listening to this prayer the third time I conceived... I started around week 6 or so and would listen to it when ever I was scared or had doubts. I gave birth to our beautiful daughter 4 days ago and want to Thank God for his abundant mercy upon me and my family. ❤️
Dear Pastor Rufus,
I want to thank you dearly for welcoming me yesterday into the service.
I am also grateful to your wife, the children and the praise and worship leader. I do apologise for not remembering their names except Elijah.
I was really blessed and God bless you and your family.
I started suffering from migrane not long after I had left the service, which is quite normal for me although I have not suffered it for awhile, it last for days when it starts but yesterday during the online service, when you prayed for everyone that was sick, the migrane vanished and I have not suffered from it again. I thank God for healing and for the prophetic word ushered.
Thank you once again and God bless you.
Many Thanks
Testimony Pastor I said I was suppose to get married I wasn’t sure when it would have happened and to God be the glory I am now married and pregnant please continue to pray for me and my pregnancy and marriage and my son in Jesus name amen
Through listening to your prayer; I been blessed to meet a good man that helps me from his heart and we have become good friends. I was talking to God about I have no man to help me or to talk to a week before he put it on my heart to contact him. Thank you for your prayers and I thank my Heavenly Father. Praise God!
Praise the Lord thank u for all your prayers. God did miracle foetus heart rate came everything is normal by God grace. Pls continue to pray for my pregnancy in the name of Jesus my baby should born in full term 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
God is good and in all the God is good. I'm pregnant and I started bleeding on Friday 25th September 2021 and the holy spirit connected me to this prayer on 26th,to make the long story short I went to hospital to go and check why I have been bleeding so when I went they said I had a miscarriage so I should come today for them to remove the remaining so it won't cause any problem for me, immediately I told them I went to go and check from another place, when I was going I started listening to this prayer and also prayed along before getting to another place so I did another Scan I was confirmed my pregnancy is still intact. I'm to testify for the good things He has done for us. Indeed we serve a living God.
Thank you for this prayer I am 8weeks pregnant.
My testimony... This morning I am holding my child in my arms. God directed me to this prayer after 2 unexplained miscarriages. Daily I joined my faith with this prayer and today I returned to say, God is still in the prophecy and restoration Ministry. I thank Pastor Rufus for standing in the gap with me proclaiming my healthy baby and cancelling the attacks of the enemy over my womb, baby, family, relationships and myself. Blessed be the name of the Lord Amen.
I would like to give my testimony…. Back in May I lost my brother he was killed in a head on collision … I was devastated… in the same week of my brother being killed me and my husband conceived …. The enemy came at my pregnancy hard from fighting grief and being diabetic. So the Doctor saying at 20 weeks that my cervix was incompetent… to me staying in the hospital from week 24 to week 28 …… I played this prayer over and over … my baby girl would move and kick to the anointing and power from this prayer . I then was admitted a week ago for my blood pressure and the Doctor said he can’t believe that I am still pregnant, I said God is not a Man that He Should Lie ….. I connected my faith with the faith in this prayer and I gave birth to my baby girl Jan 5th she was born at 34 weeks and currently in the incubator but to God be the all the Glory she is here and alive and adjusting to life outside the womb !!!! My prayer is that she would be able to come home with us and that her Body will line up with the word and the will of God in Jesus mighty name amen 🙏🏾